We are called to be a flourishing and generous regional centre of Christian worship, mission, and discipleship.
Our Services
9am Service
Our 9am is especially suited for those who long for a more structured and traditional worship experience but still desire to experience the presence of the Holy Spirit. We share communion on the first Sunday of the month.
11am Service
Our 11am service is full of families and people of all ages. Our children’s groups for 0-14s are during this service but we start all together for worship. We share communion on the second Sunday of the month.
7pm Service
Our 7pm service has more space for worship & prayer ministry. Our students tend to head to this service, as do our 14-18 year olds who meet beforehand. We sometimes share communion on the first Sunday of the month.
All-In Services
Our first Sunday of the month is different to our usual pattern, especially because at 11am we don’t have children/youth groups so we are all in together! This service is aims to engage all ages, from the youngest to the oldest.
What’s on
As well as our Sunday services, we have an amazing amount of midweek groups and activities. Head to the diary to find out everything that’s happening at Christ Church throughout the week.
Or follow @ccwinch on Instagram to stay up to date!
We take the safeguarding of children, young people and vulnerable adults very seriously. If you have any concerns that you would like to talk through, please contact
Sophie Butt (Parish Safeguarding Lead)
07812 124378 | safeguardingofficer@ccwinch.org.uk
Jackie Rowlands (Diocesan Safeguarding Officer)
01962 737317 | safeguarding@winchester.anglican.org
For more information and our up-to-date Parish Safeguarding Policy Statement, please click below to head to our dedicated safeguarding page.

No. Everyone is welcome at Christ Church. Bring your family, bring a friend, or come on your own. However you turn up, you’ll receive a warm welcome.
We have a large car park right next door to our building for your use. It does fill up quickly but there’s parking on local roads and good bus links too.
Congratulations! If you live in the parish, or have a ‘qualifying connection’ with us then yes. Get in touch and we can see what’s possible together.
Small Groups are the best way to be discipled in a large church and they’re a great way to make new friends too. Head over to our ‘Small Groups’ page for more info, or get in touch with us.
No - but you might lose out on a seat. It’s absolutely fine to arrive late for church here. Come whenever you can. It will be great to see your face and to hear your story.
We’re always happy to chat. Our Staff Team here is made of both clergy and support staff. Check out the Team page and click the job role of the relevant staff member to send them an email.
How to get to us
If you’re coming to an event or service at Christ Church Winchester, you can find us right by the railway line on Christchurch Road, SO23 9SR.
Please note that parking is limited so, if you’re able, please consider parking further away from church and walking in. On-street parking is free in Winchester on Sundays and there are other multi-storey carparks available in the city, only a short walk away.
By parking elsewhere you are enabling those who are disabled or who have young children to get to church easier - thank you so much!