Scroll down to read about what we do here in Winchester, with mission partners abroad and to try to preserve creation.
We prioritise mission, locally & globally.

We love Winchester
We are blessed to have several high profile institutions located in our parish and local projects that we are involved in. Find out more below.
We are part of a strong community of churches and together we reach out with many city-wide ventures providing support for the physical, mental and spiritual needs of Winchester.
The community also arrange city-wide events and missions to bring all the body of Jesus together for His glory in the locality.

Global Partnerships
For over ten years we have had partnerships with Kalerwe (in Kampala) and the Diocese of Muhabura (based in Kisoro on the Uganda-Rwanda-DR Congo border). We last visited with a group of students (18-22 year olds) in the summer of 2023.
In Kalerwe we are linked with St Nicholas church where the Rev Samuel and his wife Lovi minister. We are involved in three particular areas of work.
🏠 Through Karis Kids, households in Christ Church are enabled to partner with households in Kalerwe, helping children through their schooling and providing family medical fees
📝 Secondly, we contribute to a Karis Kids fund which enables children through post primary education either to study further or through mentored training into employment.
🍎 Thirdly, we support the school attached to the church with a housing subsidy to the teachers and enable the provision of lunchtime meals to the whole school.
In Kisoro, we work with Bishop Godfrey alongside other parishes in the Winchester Deanery. Teams of young people from here have engaged in mission with their peers from Kisoro, while others have done gap years working in schools and the diocese.
South Sudan
For around 20 years we have worked with the Diocese of Yei in South Sudan in the company of The Brickworks charity. The main involvement from here is in the encouragement of those in training: medical staff, teachers and Church Youth Leaders. Teams have also visited to be involved in missions.
In partnering with Tearfund we are assisting churches across the world working in relief situations as well as specific development projects which will be publicised from time to time. Tearfund also act as an advocate for majority countries in the areas of development aid climate change.
Church Mission Society
For over 200 years CMS has been involved worldwide in mission activities sending people from everywhere to everywhere, while also encouraging people in the UK to do mission on their doorstep. Our involvement helps to support indigenous mission partners in their work.
Open Doors
Over 360 million Christians suffer persecution and discrimination. They follow Jesus, no matter the cost. Open Doors provides support to persecuted Christians around the world through raising awareness, distribution of scripture and emergency relief aid.

Creation Care
Why is Creation important to us?
Imagine you have been given a beautiful and delicate gift by someone who deeply loves you. Would you not take care of it? As human beings made in God’s image (Genesis 1:27), we have been given the beautiful and delicate gift of all that God has made. It has been given to us (as stewards and tenants) to use (Gen 1:28-29). We have also been told to ‘work it/keep it and take care of it’ (Gen 2:15), both Hebrew verbs indicate that by doing this we are engaging in worship of the Creator.
The picture at the other end of the Bible is of a renewed heaven and earth (Rev 21:1): the outcome of God, in Christ, reconciling all things to Himself (Col 1:20). Just as we anticipate the wonder of that reconciliation by acts of loving kindness and pursuing justice to and for humanity; so we anticipate the renewed heaven and earth by caring now for the beautiful and delicate gift of God’s creation. Such caring is also an act of loving kindness and instituting justice for those who suffer because of misuse of creation.
So, in caring for creation, we obey God’s first commission to humanity, worship him as Creator, promote love and justice for other humans, and anticipate the glorious reconciliation of all things under Christ at his coming again.
Revd Canon Brian Wakelin