We give young people opportunities to chat, relax, serve, explore life, meet people, be real and work out ways to transform the city and the world, all in a safe space. We have experienced, faith-filled, authentic, caring, diverse, creative and fun teams of leaders.
Everyone is welcome. We aim to cherish every single young person who walks through the door.
We LOVE residentials
We go away three times a year with Pathfinders and Download. We love heading to Westbrook on the Isle of Wight and in 2025, we have two new venues for Download - Fairthorne Manor and Sexey’s School in Bruton, Somerset.
To see our photos, to find out dates and to book on to our next residential use the link below.
Our mission is to disciple the next generation by teaching God’s word and modelling Christ’s character by the power of the Holy Spirit, enabling children to put their faith in and obey Jesus Christ, growing towards maturity in Him.
Need help reading the Bible?
If you’re struggling to read the Bible and want some help, download the seven-day Bible readings which will help you make a start on reading the Bible. There are only three questions to ask of each day’s passage:
If you want help reading any passage and help praying, here are some more resources we’ve made for you:
Pathfinders is our group for Year 7s-9s. We love to welcome new people into our community and get to know you. Together we’ll have lots of fun and learn about faith. We have plenty of social events (including real life Monopoly round the streets of London, photo treasure hunts and inflatables) and we go on an amazing Weekend Away to the Isle of Wight in November each year.
Download is our group for Year 10s-13s. Whether you're completely new to church or have been around for years; whether you're full of questions about Christianity or want to journey closer to God, we would love to see you at Download. We love going away for a Weekend Away to the Isle of Wight in March and for a Week Away to Monkton Combe, Bath in August.
Download Bible Study
Tuesday afternoons 4.45-5.45pm
Costa Coffee in Winchester High Street
This term we’re looking at Ephesians. Great discussions over hot chocolate (with cream & marshmallows!). Bring your Bible if you can, but we’ll bring spares. Even if you’re really unfamiliar with the Bible, we’d love to see you there. We always start with, ‘What strikes you?’
Pathfinders Thursdays
Year 7-9 · 6:00-7:30pm · CCW · £2
Pathfinders on Thursday is a a safe, fun and relaxed group with lots going on and a chance to get to know one another and learn more about God.
It’s a great opportunity to enjoy video games on the Switch or Wii, take part in crafts, buy sweets from the tuck shop, chat and play sport and games, including our new basketball machine! We love having fun together, whether that is enjoying milkshakes, making pizzas or taking on the “minute to win it” challenge!
We have a chance to play a big game together and hear someone explain some of the Bible or share their story. Then we have dinner together and chat around the tables.
Download Thursdays
Year 10-13 · 7:00-9:00pm · CCW · £2
Download on Thursdays is a great way to meet up with friends and explore Christianity more. There will be time to eat a meal together, chat, and play games and sport. Then at 8.15, we’ll have a chance to get to know each other better, with a team challenge or maybe a bit of Speed Chatting. We’ll have a short talk at 8.30. This term, we’re focussing on the book of Acts. Then we’ll have 20 minutes in small groups to chat about what we’ve heard.
Sometimes we’ll have bigger social events, like bowling, a trip to Playzone, silent disco, or rounders.
Follow us on Instagram at @CCWinchYouth or join our mailing list to find out more about what’s going on.
Pathfinders Sundays
Year 7-9 · 11:00am-12.15pm · CCW
At Pathfinders we kick-start our Sundays with a group during the 11am service. This term we’re looking at God from Almighty to Zealous.
We’re in the first 10 minutes of the service, then we head out for snacks, to catch up with mates, worship, pray, play games and explore who God is and how He impacts our lives through a relevant Bible talk and small groups.
Download Sundays
Year 10-13 · 5:45-7:00pm · CCW
On Sundays, we meet at 5:45pm for Cakes & Community, worship by some of our youth, a Bible talk and small groups. This term we’re looking at What to do when life doesn't turn out the way you planned it! We're looking at the stories of Joseph, Moses and David. Then lots of us join the 7:00 service for sung worship, a Bible talk and time to respond.
Health and Consent Forms
If your child has joined Pathfinders or Download, please fill in the relevant health and consent form below.
Yes! We welcome everyone in the right age group. They don’t need to have ever been to Pathfinders, or Download, or church to just come along.
If you want to make it as seamless as possible, please fill in a health and permission form above for the right group. That way, they could even be on the register before they get here!
See also, How will my child be cared for?
We are very aware that it’s quite hard to come along to any new group.
We have a high ratio of leaders to young people, so there are plenty of leaders to come alongside new people.
We often split up into small groups, especially in our Sunday groups, so it’s easier for young people to get to know others and to be known themselves.
We will often place young people in teams, so they meet people outside their normal friendship group. Our aim is not just to strengthen existing friendships, but also to help everyone build new ones.
Do please let us know if your child has a problem in the group.
All of our youth leaders have an up-to-date enhanced DBS and have completed the Church of England’s safeguarding training.
In addition, we operate strict guidelines during youth sessions and events, including never allowing a leader to be alone with a child.
We will only contact your child via Instagram from the youth account, which all leaders and our Safeguarding Officer have access to, or through an email copied to you.
To find out more, have a look at
We always complete risk assessments before youth sessions and events, from indoor hockey to firepits.
Our teams are really experienced, with our teams normally including leaders with over 30 years of youth experience.
We always have a trained first aider in the group and have an AED in the building.
Thanks and encouragement, particularly written encouragement goes a long way.
Do let us know too how your child is and how we can better support them and you.
There are always ways to get more involved, including washing up for our youth night on Thursdays during term time, or helping move chairs at the end of the night.
If you want to give financially, there are details on how to do that here: or you can ask to pay towards a leader or a child who can’t afford it to go on one of our residentials.
If you’re a praying person, we’d really value your prayers. If you’re not sure what to pray for, just ask a leader.
Thanks so much.
Children, Youth & Family Events