All intercessor rota information is available via MyChurchSuite so please check your availability update information in MyChurchSuite. You can use MyChurchSuite to accept/decline rota allocations or enter in any dates when you are going to be away and are not available for a rota.
When leading prayers make sure that the microphone is at a distance of about 6 inches from your mouth. Speak up, speak clearly, speak deliberately (there is a tendency to drop one’s voice when praying - this does not work when leader others in prayer!)
With the current pattern of services you have 4 minutes when praying at Communion services and 5 minutes at the others. Don’t feel you have to use the whole time; better the reaction ‘I wish they had gone on longer’ than ‘I wish they had no longer gone on’!
Let the service leader know you are in the service!
MyChurchSuite will include information on the readings for each service and you will receive a copy of the service plan from the office earlier in the week. This will include the readings and details about any specific prayers that are required. Do check with the service leader and/or preacher in advance if you need any further information.
Pray over what you are praying.
You are strongly recommended to write out what you are going to pray – it helps to avoid rambling, repetition and over-running time.
Do join with the service leader and others to pray before the service starts.
REMEMBER – you are the mouthpiece of the congregation and leading them in prayer: they need to be able to hear what you are praying and be able to own what you are praying.
Usually the prayers will be ones of intercession and/or thanksgiving but check with the service leader.
For intercessions consider a broad pattern of: Nation, Church, Community and the Sick – but don’t try and pray for everything; be specific on one or two topics particularly if there is a natural focus following the sermon.
Be alert to what else is happening in the service and to events affecting the congregation or society in the previous week.
You can use set prayers or write your own. If using a scripture passage use it to frame the prayers not as an additional reading.
Don’t be afraid to leave times of silence for people to fill in their own concerns – e.g. places where there is conflict, those who are unwell.
If you are going to use a response like ‘Lord in your mercy’ ‘Hear our prayer’ make that plain at the start and commence by using it.
Endings are important so think how you will finish your praying. You can use the Lord’s Prayer, but not at Communion services where it appears later.
Praying for Persecuted Christians and places of Tension:
Pray generally rather than specifically for areas of the world where Christians’ face persecution and think carefully of the words that you use to describe the authorities of those countries. If praying for specific people known to the congregation use initials rather than names. We want to safeguard our brothers and sisters. We will not know who may be in the congregation or watching the live streaming.
Praying at people
Preaching a sermon
Making a political statement or taking a political position
Praying for someone by name without their permission
Praying for too many topics
Praying for events and situations which most of the congregation will not know about
Linking the prayer topics as if they were agenda items
Beware :
Of the person who grabs you during the first hymn and asks you to pray for ...
Of thinking halfway through ‘I ought to pray for ...
In both cases seek discernment.
One writer has suggested that ‘“Let us pray” has come to be understood as an instruction about posture instead of an attitude of mind and heart.’
The 11am and 7pm services are currently being livestreamed – this means that the whole service will be available in perpetuity on the internet. Therefore, please be particularly aware of the content and tone of your prayers as they may be shared much more widely than just within the Christ Church congregation or Winchester area.
Thank you