1. We love, worship and value Father God and seek greater depth of relationship and intimacy with Him.
2. We love, worship and value Jesus who shows us our Father, leads us in worship and models how to live. We are seeking to be transformed into His likeness.
3. We love, worship and value Holy Spirit, who teaches us, encourages us, empowers us and enables us to know Father and Jesus. We seek to speak prophetically with His voice.
4. We love and value Christ Church leadership and seek to support and serve their vision.
5. We love and value the Christ Church community and the wider church body as the bride of Christ and look to facilitate intimate communion between bridegroom and bride.
6. We value relationship and seek to deepen our relationships in the worship community and the congregation with integrity and honesty.
7. We value music and seek to use it alongside other creative expressions to facilitate worship and enjoyment of God and to declare His kingdom.
8. We value inclusivity and seek to welcome everyone to our community.
9. We value diversity of expression and appreciate all of the styles that God has given us.
10. We value generosity with our time, skills and encouragement of each other. We seek to bring our best in worship.
For further information about the role of a worship team member please click here: